EDM to manufacture B787 Door Trainers for China Eastern Airlines

Posted on 7 June, 2017 by Advance 

EDM announced today that it has won an order from China Eastern Airlines to manufacture two B787 Door Trainers.

EDM will design and manufacture both Door Trainers at its Manchester facility in the UK before shipping and installing them at the airline’s cabin crew training centre in Shanghai, China. The state-of-the-art equipment will be specifically used to train cabin crew in the safe operation of the exit door of the B787 Dreamliner under a variety of normal, abnormal and emergency conditions.

EDM is also supplying its Virtual Slide Trainer (VST) for each Door Trainer which provides convenient, virtual slide deployment training for emergency evacuation procedures. The VST incorporates high definition projectors to display animated Computer Generated Images (CGIs) of various slide deployment scenarios that include full and part-inflation of the slide. The VST dramatically reduces the significant cost and time associated with physical slide deployment training for airline cabin crew.

EDM manufactured two B777 Door Trainers for China Eastern Airlines in 2014. EDM was also the first company in the industry to manufacture a B787 Door Trainer with previous customers for this training simulator including All Nippon Airways, United Airlines and China Southern Airlines.