EDM to manufacture B737 Door Trainer for Jet2.com

Posted on 19 May, 2017 by Advance 

EDM has been awarded a contract by Jet2.com to manufacture a B737 Door Trainer.


EDM’s new B737 Door Trainer for Jet2.com will be installed at the airline’s crew training centre in Bradford, UK.

The Door Trainer will be used to train the UK airline’s cabin crew to become proficient in the safe operation of B737 aircraft doors including procedures for normal, abnormal and emergency scenarios.

The Door Trainer will incorporate a clutch system to simulate slide deployment with an associated slide inflation sound to add further realism to the training experience.

Once built at EDM’s manufacturing facility in Manchester, the new B737 Door Trainer will be shipped and installed at Jet2.com’s cabin crew training centre in Bradford, West Yorkshire. EDM has previously manufactured a B757 Door Trainer and B737 Overwing Exit Trainer for Jet2.com.