EDM launches Virtual Slide Trainer

Posted on 1 August, 2017 by Advance 

EDM announced today that it has launched its new Virtual Slide Trainer.

The Virtual Slide Trainer provides airline cabin crew with convenient, virtual slide deployment training for safety and emergency procedures (SEPs). Dramatically reducing the significant cost and time associated with physical slide deployment training, the Virtual Slide Trainer’s training scenarios are selected via an easy-to-use Instructor Operator Station (IOS).

The Virtual Slide Trainer incorporates high definition projectors to display animated Computer Generated Images (CGI) of various slide deployment scenarios that include full and part inflation of the slide. The Virtual Slide Trainer provides cabin crew with a highly representative training device that seamlessly augments the training provided through the use of simulators equipped with actual training slides.

“After developing the Virtual Slide Trainer in collaboration with a number of our clients, we’re confident that airlines will find this product a very useful addition to their training suite,” said Tony Bermingham, Managing Director of EDM. “Having led the global market in the provision of cabin crew training simulators for many years now, we’re very excited to be focused on launching our new range of virtual cabin crew trainers over the coming months.”