EDM Cathay Pacific cabin crew training simulators pass SATS

Posted on 29 March, 2017 by Advance 

EDM announced today that its suite of cabin crew training simulators for Cathay Pacific have passed their Site Acceptance Tests (SATs).

The simulators have been specifically designed and manufactured by EDM to enable Cathay Pacific to maintain and enhance the training of their highly proficient cabin crew in the handling of emergency situations and the provision of services to passengers.

Installed at Cathay Pacific’s Flight Training Centre at Hong Kong International Airport, a senior team from the airline granted all of the simulators their SATs this month after a rigorous inspection and testing process.

The full suite of cabin crew training simulators comprises:
•         B777 Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer
•         A330 Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer
•         B777 Door Trainer
•         A330 Door Trainer
•         B747 Freighter Upper Deck Crew Service Door Trainer
•         B747 Freighter Main Deck Door Trainer
•         Real Fire Trainer

“This has been a significant project for both the Cathay and EDM teams that will ensure our facilities remain at the forefront of aviation safety training,” said David Lomax, Ground Training Manager of Cathay Pacific. “Thanks to the dedication and professionalism of both teams, I am pleased to say that it has been a great success.”