Edinburgh Airport has busiest ever month at a Scottish airport

Posted on 31 August, 2016 by Advance 

Edinburgh Airport has welcomed figures showing that July 2016 was the busiest ever month at a Scottish airport.

Last month 1,332,282 passengers flew through the airport which represents a 9.6% increase on the same month last year – which was previously the busiest ever month for passengers at any Scottish airport.

This success has been amplified by analysis showing the first six months at Edinburgh Airport have seen a growth rate of over 10%, more than double that of European airports average.

Welcoming the passenger numbers, Gordon Dewar, Edinburgh Airport’s Chief Executive, said: “We are greatly encouraged to have smashed another record at Edinburgh Airport with July being the busiest ever passenger month ever at a Scottish airport.

“While we welcome this growth it underlines the work we are doing at Edinburgh Airport to adapt and accommodate the ever increasing number of people wanting to fly in and out of Scotland’s Capital city.

“The trend of expanding international passengers continues - and with a growing proportion of inbound passengers we are helping drive tourism, economic development and additional job creation in Scotland.

“European airports’ growth for the first half of the year is at 4.9%; our growth over same six month period compared to the last year is more than double that.

“Despite our encouraging growth there is evidence of damage to the aviation business that has followed the Brexit vote - this further highlights the need to reduce Air Passenger Duty as soon as possible.

“Cutting APD will be a strong demonstration of Scotland’s international ambitions. It will send a powerful signal to the global airline market that Scotland is most definitely open for business and would go some way to counter the negative business impact of the UK’s plans to leave the EU.”