Engineering services specialist focused on essential infrastructure including airports, railways and highways, Dyer & Butler, has announced that Dyer & Butler Electrical has followed its Aviation division in achieving one million hours worked without sustaining a RIDDOR reportable injury incident, plus no Lost Time Injuries reported.
Dyer & Butler safety, sustainability and training director Steve Broom commented: “This success has been achieved through the hard work and dedication of the teams involved who have adopted an open safety culture which promotes the reporting of close calls and the swift rectification of any matters that could potentially result in harm to the workforce and the environments in which it operates. The close call system has been a fundamental part of the success of Dyer & Butler’s safety culture and has led to exemplary levels of safety performance over the last three years.”
The bespoke Dyer & Butler close call app, developed in-house, links to a secure reporting website accessible from any smartphone via a QR code. Scanning the code takes the user to an online form, through which near miss events, site safety issues or suggestions for improvement can be recorded into the system. Once the form is completed, an online database is automatically updated with the close call details.
Dyer & Butler’s managing director Neil Edwards’s said: “The health, safety and wellbeing of all of our people, and the safe delivery of our operations will remain our primary focus to ensure that we ‘put safety first’. In doing so, we will ensure that each and every person that is engaged with working for Dyer & Butler is able to be “Safe by choice... not by chance.”