DTC launches new website

Posted on 21 July, 2016 by Advance 

Domo Tactical Communications (DTC) today announced the launch of its new website, www.domotactical.com.

The new digital platform has a clear structure, with good navigational features and search capabilities, which in conjunction with new content, provides an effecient user experience.

Henrik Mortensen, Senior Vice President of Products for Domo Tactical Communications said: “DTC’s new website is clean, intuitive, and accurately depicts where we are today and where we’re going tomorrow.”

The new website offers a first port of call for those who would like to know more about DTC’s products and services across its comprehensive portfolio of high performance overt and covert video, audio, tracking, cellular, concealments and C2 solutions, along with cutting edge technologies for the wireless broadcast market.

The new website is now live and can be found at www.domotactical.com