Dstl scientists helping conquer spread of COVID-19

Posted on 8 April, 2020 by Advance 

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is carrying out vital work in partnership with a number of organisations including Public Health England (PHE) and the National Health Service (NHS) to get the COVID-19 outbreak under control.
In a recently eleased video, Professor Tim, a Senior Technical Fellow of the Chemical, Biological and Radiological Division, at Dstl, explained how the organisation is working with other public bodies and industry to help get the COVID-19 pandemic under control and rid the country of the coronavirus.

Dstl experts are working in NHS hospitals to help perform diagnostic tests which are important to fighting the disease.

Its scientists are supporting PHE on a number of technologies to speed up the identification of the virus, as well as refining a test that works similar to a pregnancy test which can show if an individual has been exposed to the virus.