Directive on Digital Transformation: Manufacturing report released

Posted on 8 August, 2018 by Advance 

Atos and The Manufacturer, earlier this year, released insights into the key concerns of senior-level manufacturers as they embrace digital transformation, in the third edition of the ‘Directive on Digital Transformation: Manufacturing’ report.

This Directive on Digital Transformation for Manufacturing report presents an overview of the key concerns for senior-level manufacturers, as discussed as the recent 'Transforming Manufacturing, Embracing digital' event hosted by Atos and The Manufacturer

This report - now in its third edition - draws out the key conversations, insight and thoughts presented around four key areas of digital transformation: Industry 4.0, digital business transformation, data security, trust and compliance and STEM brain drain.
This report aims to help inform and educate those engaged in implementing digital transformation within their own organisations, including those in the aerospace sector.

To download the report, click