Defence Secretary announces £1.1bn investment in Army facilities

Posted on 1 November, 2016 by Advance 

The Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has today announced that over £1.1 billion will be invested in creating new accommodation and facilities to meet the needs of the modern Armed Forces


The British Army’s Wiltshire based 3rd (UK) Division holding Exercise TRACTABLE 2016 on Salisbury Plain Training Area.
Crown Copyright

As part of Project Allenby Connaught (PAC) initiative, the 25 year contract awarded to Aspire Defence Limited will create 200 jobs in South West England. A number of apprenticeships with local colleges will also be set up as the Ministry of Defence (MoD) retains its proud place as the single largest apprentice employer in the UK.

Mr Fallon made the announcement during a Defence Select Committee hearing on the delivery of the SDSR.

He said: "Our armed forces deserve facilities and housing that match the need of this generation. We’re committed to delivering a better defence estate; ensuring our Armed Forces are properly supported and provided for. With our defence budget secure and rising to 2020 will can now properly invest in: our soldiers, their families and communities."

There will be significant investment on Salisbury Plain and in Aldershot into new and modern ‘Single Living Accommodation’ (SLA), with more than 2,600 bed spaces created. New and improved technical, office, catering, retail and leisure facilities will also be provided to make sure that soldiers work and live in the best possible environment.

The new infrastructure will support forces returning from Germany under the Army Basing Programme which was set up to deliver Army 2020 as part of the Government’s 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) commitments. The construction programme is scheduled for completion by 2020, meaning all British Army units based in Germany can return to the UK by then, resulting in savings of up to £240 million per year by 2022/23.

Major General Alastair Dickinson, the Army’s Director of Basing and Infrastructure and MoD lead for the programme said: "This is a significant step forward in the delivery of the Army Basing Programme. The investment is a major part of our programme to deliver first class facilities and will ensure a high-level of support and service for all those units relocating in 2019.

Allan Thomson, Chief Executive of Aspire Defence Ltd added: "Aspire Defence is extremely proud of our successful record delivering first-rate living and working accommodation for soldiers. We are delighted to be embarking on this next phase of development, expanding our provision of high-quality purpose-built accommodation and a best-in-class total facilities management service at garrisons across Salisbury Plain and at Aldershot."

Under the terms of the private finance initiative (PFI) contract, KBR (Kellogg, Brown & Root), through its participation in the Aspire Defence joint venture entities, will design and build an additional 130 buildings over the next four years in support of the MoD’s Army Basing Programme. Once completed, these new buildings will be included within the existing estate for which KBR is responsible for providing operational support and facilities management for 25 years. The types of services provided range from catering and cleaning to technical stores management and tailoring of uniforms, from the provision of transport to administration support.  

Project Allenby/Connaught, the largest infrastructure PFI contract ever let by the Ministry of Defence will run until 2041.The first wave of construction under Project Allenby Connaught was successfully completed in 2014 with a superior safety performance – one of the safest major construction projects in the UK. This latest round of work is expected to be delivered by the summer of 2020.

Andrew Barrie, Head of KBR's UK Government Services business, said: “KBR has spent the past 10 years delivering this flagship programme for the British Army to re-house soldiers into modern, state-of-the-art accommodation and working facilities, delivering on our commitment to Make Soldiers Lives Better, providing them with the high quality living and working standards that they deserve,” said Andrew Barrie, Head of KBR's UK Government Services business.

“We are pleased that through the next four years of work we will continue to make modern facilities available to even more soldiers.”