DASA offers funding for blue sky thinking

Posted on 28 May, 2019 by Advance 

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) today announced a new Innovation Focus Area (IFA) for defence, which will provide funding to innovators for even the most ‘light bulb’ of moments in revolutionary radar thinking.


Collation of radar images.
Courtesy DASA

On behalf of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), DASA is seeking to find and fund new and novel concepts or technologies that have the potential to transform the UK’s radar sensing capabilities on land, at sea and in the air, whilst meeting the needs of a modern complex battlespace in the next 10-15 years.

The Armed Forces rely on radar capabilities to provide situational awareness and intelligence on a daily basis. Any concept or technology considered through this funding route must enhance the MoD’s future vision for a resilient and robust radar system that is flexible, multi-function, networked and cognitive.

The ‘open’ competition call exists to encourage anyone with a good idea that has potential to solve defence and/or security challenges to apply for funding at any time.

Although DASA remains ‘open’ to all ideas, it hopes that the new IFA will encourage those with emerging ideas in radar innovation to talk to them and submit a proposal for funding.

For further information on the latest Innovation Focus Area and to how to apply for funding, click