DASA launching biosensing competition

Posted on 5 September, 2018 by Advance 

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is launching a new competition to find solutions for rapidly detecting and locating hazardous biological agents deposited in the field.

DASA is launching this competition to seek ideas for innovative technologies that can provide an improved way to rapidly detect and locate hazardous biological agents in the field.

The ultimate aim is for a fieldable system that would detect and report without users (including trained military specialists and civilian first line responders) coming into close contact with the hazard.

By detecting these hazards as early as possible and remotely, it will enable front line users to safely avoid them.

This competition has an initial budget of £500k for Phase 1. Additional funding is anticipated to be available for future phases of this competition.

This competition is now open and full details are available in the competition document

The competition will close at 1pm on 7 November 2018

If you have any queries on this competition, please contact accelerator@dstl.gov.uk
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