Crewshield wins Queen's Award for Enterprise 2016

Posted on 3 May, 2016 by Advance 

Her Majesty The Queen confirmed the award in her 90th birthday honours list. The award is the highest business accolade a UK company can receive and is recognised globally.
Crewshield were praised for the continued development of our Citadel safe haven systems which are deployed worldwide, providing discreet protection to personnel in high risk environments.

Crewshield was founded in 2011 to develop a transportable citadel as a safe refuge for crews threatened by pirate attack but is equally suitable for land based, high risk environments where personnel and/or high value or critical material stores may require protection from attack.

The standard citadel is housed in a 20ft 'High Cube' ISO container, can accommodate 25 personnel with internal power capacity for 96 hours autonomous operation with air conditioning, lighting and communications, which is armoured to withstand small arms fire up to and including 7.62*39mm (Kalashnikov) and 7.62*51mm (NATO Ball). External bar armour can be fitted for defence against RPG attack or the armour plating can be upgraded to withstand higher calibre weapons.