CRC launches collaboration with Idox Compliance

Posted on 14 April, 2016 by Advance 

Idox Compliance is a leading provider of compliance solutions in Europe, providing compliance training expertise to corporate and public sector customers across all sectors and sizes.

The collaboration will enable both partners to add complementary services to their existing offering, assisting clients to better meet their increasing compliance needs and regulatory requirements. CRC is the only UK company involved in this type of collaboration with Idox.

In addition to serving their existing clients, as part of the collaboration, CRC and Idox Compliance will work together to provide small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK and across Europe with a broad range of compliance related services, including advice and consultancy, e-learning software and on-going training.

The new proposition is particularly suitable for UK companies in need of continental European expertise, especially if they wish to expand their businesses into the European Union.

Yousouf Jhugroo, CEO of CRC, commented: “We are delighted to have secured a collaboration with Idox Compliance. Both CRC and Idox will be able to provide enhanced benefits and services to our clients through dedicated professional services. The combination will create a distinctive customer experience.

The next step is for both partners to expand facilities, offering an improved service to our clients in the UK and across Europe.”
Michael Kayser, Managing Director of Idox Compliance, commented: “Compliance is an ever increasing topic for organisations of all sizes  and sectors. Together with CRC we firmly believe that we will provide these organisations with a compelling offer, enabling them to conduct business in line with regulatory requirements.”

A specialised, independent consultancy practice, CRC brings together highly qualified and experienced compliance experts across a wide range of sectors. Its team is spread across the UK from the north of Scotland and Northern Ireland, to the South West of England, with a Head Office in London.