Colin Smith appointed President of ADS

Posted on 5 January, 2018 by Advance 

Colin Smith, Chairman of the Aerospace Growth Partnership and former Director of Engineering and Technology at Rolls Royce, has been appointed as the new President of ADS.

Colin Smith (above) succeeded Cobham’s Paul Kahn as ADS President on 1 January, and will serve a two year term.

As President, he will lead the ADS Board, which includes representatives from each of the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors, as well as companies from among the ADS membership.

ADS President Colin Smith said: “It is a privilege to be appointed the ADS President. This is an exciting time for our industries as they seek to deliver export lead growth, high value jobs and world leading innovation across the UK.

“ADS will be providing vital support as businesses prepare for Brexit, promoting the benefits of industrial strategies in our key sectors and helping secure new opportunities in international markets.”

“I am grateful for the help and support of all ADS members and particularly the vice presidents, who help guide and focus the excellent executive team.” 

Chief Executive Paul Everitt said: “It is great to welcome Colin to the role of ADS President. His knowledge, experience and network will be vitally important in meeting the industrial challenges we face in the years ahead. He continues to lead the Aerospace Growth Partnership and his insight will be immensely valuable.

“My thanks also to Paul Kahn for his support and wise counsel during the last two years. ADS has made important progress during this time and we have greatly benefitted from the contribution he has made.”

The ADS Board includes four Vice Presidents representing each of its four sectors, including two new appointments for aerospace and security – Airbus Senior Vice President Katherine Bennett and Evidence Talks Chairman Elizabeth Sheldon.

The re-appointed ADS Vice Presidents for defence and space are Kevin Craven, UK & Europe CEO of Serco and UK Space Chairman Richard Peckham.