Cobham wins gold with new FIFO contract

Posted on 27 July, 2016 by Advance 

Cobham announced today that its Regional Services business has been awarded a 12 month contract by gold mining company, Doray Minerals Limited to provide fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) services to its Andy Well Gold Project mining site in Western Australia.

Cobham announced today that its Regional Services business has been awarded a 12 month contract by gold mining company, Doray Minerals Limited to provide fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) services to its Andy Well Gold Project mining site in Western Australia.

Cobham will commence operating two services a week using an 81 seat BAE 146-200 jet aircraft from 2 August 2016.

Peter Nottage, Chief Executive of Cobham Aviation Services commented “The Cobham Regional Services team has worked hard to establish a reputation for providing safe, cost effective, flexible and innovative services for top tier resource companies that operate in regional and remote areas across Australia. Doray is a new client for Cobham and we’re delighted to be providing services between Perth and Meekatharra for them. This award demonstrates our competitive offering and unique value proposition, despite current challenging market conditions”

Cobham Regional Services operates more than 170 flights across Australia every week with the vast majority servicing resource sector clients. Regional Services specialises in providing access to regional and remote locations and is the only aviation provider in Australia that operates jet aircraft to gravel runways.

We deliver customised commercial aviation solutions in Australia with a focus on specialist support for resource sector projects and high capacity freight services.

Cobham is a leading global technology and services innovator, respected for providing solutions to the most challenging problems, from deep space to the depths of the ocean.
We employ more than 12,000 people on five continents and have customers and partners in over 100 countries, with market leading positions in: wireless, audio, video and data communications, including satellite communications; defence electronics; air-to-air refuelling; aviation services; life support and mission equipment.