Cobham to provide slip rings for F-35 EOTS

Posted on 22 September, 2016 by Advance 

Cobham has been selected to provide slip rings to the F-35 Lightning II's Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS).

F-35 BK-3 first flight takeoff.
Photo Randy A. Crites © 2012 Lockheed Martin Corporation

The slip rings allow the EOTS to transmit data and electrical power through a continuously rotating joint.

The value of this order, which requires Cobham to provide slip rings to F-35 aircraft produced under that program's Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) contracts #10 and #11 - with an option for LRIP #12, the F-35's first production lot - is not disclosed for competitively sensitive reasons.

Work under this contract will be performed at Cobham's facility in Naples, Florida.