Cobham’s RadHard and microelectronics enable NASA’s Parker Solar Probe

Posted on 25 October, 2018 by Advance 

Cobham has announced that its radiation-hardened (RadHard) and High Reliability Microelectronics, which are integrated into NASA's Parker Solar Probe, will play a pivotal role in enabling it to complete its mission.

Launched in August, the Parker Solar Probe Mission will provide unprecedented observations of the Sun.

As the fastest object ever made by man, the probe will travel at record speeds through intense heat and radiation conditions to the Sun’s atmosphere in its effort to better understand how the star affects our solar system. The probe recently performed the first celestial maneuver of its seven year mission by achieving a gravity assist in order to pass by Venus.

“For over 60 years, Cobham has engineered some of the most complex, challenging space components in existence. We are delighted to partner with NASA once again and play a role in this historic space exploration mission and we congratulate the entire Parker Solar Probe team on their recent launch and milestone,” said Jeff Hassannia, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Technology, Cobham Advanced Electronics Solutions. “Cobham’s technology boasts extensive flight pedigrees and deliver the performance that space and satellite manufacturers can trust.”

Offering a complete portfolio of next-generation RadHard and microelectronic components to the space and satellite industry, Cobham serves as the foundation on which many critical applications are built. Cobham worked closely with Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), Caltech, US Naval Research Laboratory, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Southwest Research Institute to provide hundreds of products for the Parker Solar Probe Mission.

Cobham solutions featured on the Parker Solar Probe include: RadHard Databus Terminals, Low Voltage Digital Signaling (LVDS) circuits, Logic devices, eight varieties of Memory, Multiplexers, Pulse Width Modulators, Spacewire Transceivers and Voltage Regulators. These devices allow the spacecraft to withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation as it travels towards the sun.