Cobham opens refuelling pod workshop at RAF Brize Norton

Posted on 18 April, 2018 by Advance 

Cobham has established a new off-wing repairs and modification workshop at RAF Brize Norton to support the A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport 'Voyager' aircraft.

Airbus A330MRTT refuelling F18s.
Courtesy Cobham © Geoffrey Lee

The workshop opened its doors in late December 2017 and has now received CAA approval for on-site support of Voyager’s wing-mounted aerial refuelling pods (WARPs) to begin under EASA 145 regulations.

“This workshop is the next step in the development of Cobham’s on-site capability at Brize Norton,” said Ken Kota, Senior Vice President, General Manager Cobham Mission Systems, “Having this workshop puts us in an excellent position to meet the future needs of the business and to continue to support the close working relationship with our customer, AirTanker.”

Off wing repairs and modifications of Voyager’s WARPs will be supported by an on-site team of two engineers who will be permanently based at RAF Brize Norton, with additional support from our Wimborne facility. The workshop – within the existing Voyager hangar in close proximity to the aircraft requiring support – utilizes an open plan area including mezzanine floor and office space. The ground floor allows for two Pods to be worked concurrently, as required.