Cobham makes ATC-5000NG DME Test Option available

Posted on 13 April, 2016 by Advance 

Fielded units can be upgraded to include the new DME option. DME still plays a fundamental role in aviation by determining distance, or slant range, from the aircraft to the ground station. With the DME option installed, the ATC-5000NG can be used by repair shops and original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to test DME airborne systems by emulating a ground station.

Designed for engineering development, design validation, manufacturing and return-to-service test applications, the ATC-5000NG is the replacement product for the legacy SDX-2000 and the ATC-1400A/S-1403DL test sets. The software defined radio architecture supports more transponder RTCA (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) DO-181E test capability than the legacy products did and has new capability needed to support the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) NextGen test requirements including ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) RTCA DO-260B and UAT (Universal Access Transceiver) RTCA DO-282.

"We are excited that through our 2015 launch of the ATC-5000NG, we are helping our customers prepare for the FAA's NextGen and Europe's SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) Air Traffic Control (ATC) Modernisation projects. Now with the release of the DME Option, we will be satisfying yet another market need," said Guy Hill, Director of Avionics Test Products for Cobham AvComm.