Cobham contributes to Exercise Autonomous Warrior

Posted on 12 December, 2018 by Advance 

During November and December, Cobham have been taking part in the Army Warfighting Experiment codenamed Exercise Autonomous Warrior.


Amulet UAS.
Courtesy Cobham

Cobham was invited to put its equipment in the hands of British soldiers and engineers to test its products in the toughest of simulated combat environments, whilst  continuing supporting UK Armed Forces in innovating the next generation of equipment to keep British soldiers from harm.

As part of this exercise, Cobham have been trialing its Amulet Unmanned Air Systems. The Amulet UAS is equipped with a Ground Penetrating Radar or the detection of buried Land Mines and Improvised Explosive Devices [IEDs]. A graphical Information System provides the operator with a map of the threats as they are located.

The system significantly increases the tempo of a mine field breath operation, being an order of magnitude faster than hand held search. The system itself is covert and remote, reducing the risk of harm to the soldier whilst offering standoff detection of mines, IEDs and Emplaced Explosive ordinance.