Cobham awarded FIFO contracts

Posted on 4 January, 2016 by Advance 

Cobham's President, Peter Nottage said the new contracts demonstrated opportunities that exist in the closed charter aviation market for innovation, safety and a compelling value proposition: "We continue to look for ways to reduce costs, improve travel times and provide more comfortable aircraft for our customers," Mr Nottage said.

A major new contract with Karara Mining was awarded providing eight flights a week in support of their iron ore operations in mid-west Western Australia. A reduced cabin service is offered for the short 30 minute flight reducing the weight of the aircraft and therefore lowering costs.

"The Karara contract in particular is significant for us, especially in the current market environment, demonstrating our ability to offer innovative proposals."

An extra flight is being added to the Gold Fields, Granny Smith mine, making it the 4th new contract since June using more efficient jet aircraft. These sites have gravel runways and Cobham is using aircraft equipped with unique gravel kit capability, to provide these services. Cobham is the only aviation provider in Australia that operates jet aircraft to gravel runways.