Cobham and Helisota partner on helicopter training and support

Posted on 29 March, 2017 by Advance 

Cobham Helicopter Academy has signed its first collaboration agreement with leading helicopter maintenance and repair specialist, Helisota.


(left to right) Paul Threthewey (Cobham Qualified Helicopter Crewman Instructor), Ian Savage (Cobham Head of Sales and Business Development), Anatolij Legenzov (Helisota Chief Executive Officer), and Luc Deffense (Cobham Technical Crewman Instructor) at HeliExpo2017, United States.

The partnership will encourage referrals between the two organisations, the exploration of mutually beneficial opportunities and ultimately enable both the Cobham Helicopter Academy and Helisota to respond to new market demands for enhanced standards of initial and operational helicopter training capability.

Duncan Milne, Vice President of Cobham Helicopter Services, said the agreement demonstrated the Academy’s collaborative approach to providing the best solutions for its customers and reflected the confidence of industry partners in Cobham’s helicopter training capabilities: “Helisota is a leading international provider of integrated maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) for helicopters in a number of countries where the Academy can offer its world-class helicopter training, so we see this as a very natural and complementary partnership.”

“Having only launched the Cobham Helicopter Academy at HeliExpo 2017, this is an exciting and encouraging development which offers our customers a competitive training and support package.”

Through the Academy, Cobham is expanding the remit and reach of its world-leading helicopter training capabilities to provide solutions to new customers around the globe.

From comprehensive ab initio training, to the specialist skills required for search and rescue missions, tactical operations and commercial operations, Cobham provides helicopter training to Government Agencies, Military, Emergency Services, Coast Guard, Original Equipment Manufacturers, and Oil, Gas and Wind Farm Companies.