Cobham adds ADS-B control to RMS 555 radio management systems

Posted on 23 August, 2016 by Advance 

Cobham Aerospace Communications has announced a path to simplify ADS-B compliance for their RMS 555 radio system operators.

The TSO-certified RMS 555 Radio Management System is installed on nearly 500 US Military T6-A trainer aircraft (above), and consists of the RMU-556 Radio Management Unit, KDA-557 RMS Data Adaptor, and RMS-555 Configuration Module.

It is also installed in rotorcraft and various international fixed-wing military trainer aircraft.

Cobham's solution will update the RMS 555 system by modifying the software/firmware of the RMU-556 and KDA-557 units.

This solution significantly reduces the cost and simplifies the aircraft modification to comply with ADS-B Out requirements by allowing the aircraft configuration and pilot interfaces to remain the same.