Chess Dynamics to showcase Sea Eagle at Pacific 2017

Posted on 25 September, 2017 by Advance 

The Sea Eagle family of naval surveillance and fire control systems from Chess Dynamics will be on display at the Pacific 2017 International Maritime Exposition in Sydney, Australia, 3-5 October 2017.
Sea Eagle FCEO is in service with the UK Royal Navy on the Type 23 frigates and Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers and will enter service on the River Class OPVs. It has been selected to provide EO fire control for the new Type 26 frigate.

Over 60 FCEO systems are in service with navies in Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia and South America, with another 20 under contract. Chess is offering this system into a number of Royal Australian Navy programmes, including SEA 1180 and SEA 5000.

On show will be an FCEO electro optical fire control director. The system is capable of controlling any ‘in-service’ naval gun from 30mm to 127mm, for fire against air, surface and shore targets. The system provides 24 hour, detection, acquisition, tracking, identification and engagement of air and surface targets through its thermal and TV sensors with target range provided by a high repetition laser rangefinder.
In addition to controlling guns and general purpose surveillance, it can be used for situational awareness and as an aid to navigation and Search and Rescue.

Other systems in the Sea Eagle family include EOSS, a general purpose electro optical surveillance system suitable for all classes of vessel; EOTS, a compact surveillance and targeting pod for small interceptor boats, RHIBs and unmanned vessels; and FCRO, the new radar and electro optical tracking and fire control system.

Chess are working with Owen International to promote and offer their systems and equipment into Australian markets, with Owen being responsible for final system assembly, integration, test and through life support.