Certification cements AJW’s commitment to sustainability

Posted on 15 March, 2018 by Advance 

AJW Group is pleased to announce that it has renewed its ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications, reaffirming its commitment to the highest environmental and health and safety standards.

The two certifications are the latest update to a broad programme of initiatives at AJW’s Slinfold headquarters to improve sustainability. These include: a paperless office to reduce paper waste and improve efficiency, solar panels to conserve energy and protect the environment and car sharing schemes to promote environmental responsibility.

AJW has also installed integrated separation tanks in its external drainage systems to prevent chemical spillage, engaged a zero waste to landfill waste contractor and implemented a system for the proactive reporting of hazards and potential hazards throughout the organisation.

Certification cements AJW’s commitment to sustainability

The ISO 14001: 2015 certification provides tools for companies looking to manage their environmental responsibilities. It will help AJW Group fulfil its objectives of enhancing environmental performance, fulfilling compliance obligations and reducing environmental impact.

A widely recognised and popular standard, OHSAS 18001:2007 is an occupational health and safety assessment series which aims to enable organisations to demonstrate sound occupational health and safety performance.

Both certifications have been renewed following an audit by Transpacific Certification Limited.

Christopher Whiteside, CEO and President of AJW Group commented: “To have been recertified in both of these areas highlights AJWs unwavering commitment to the environment and to building a sustainable business.

“When we moved to our Slinfold headquarters in 2013 sustainability was our key priority and by implementing these new initiatives, we are providing our staff and customers with a more efficient and responsible service. I look forward to building on this commitment with new initiatives in the future.”