Cardiff Airport welcomes Aston Martin

Posted on 24 February, 2016 by Advance 

Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones today officially welcomed Aston Martin to Wales after the iconic British car maker announced it has chosen the ‘Cardiff Airport and St Athan Enterprise Zone’ as the site of its second manufacturing location.

The new manufacturing centre will see Aston Martin manufacturing its new DBX crossover vehicle in Wales from 2020. It will create more than 750 highly-skilled jobs at St Athan, with a further 1000 jobs being created across the supply chain and local businesses as a direct result of the investment.

First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones said: “I am delighted to officially welcome Aston Martin to Wales. We have been working closely with the company for almost two years in the face of fierce competition from other potential sites across the world. Our success today is testament to the reputation, dedication and skills of the Welsh workforce, all qualities that are synonymous with such a luxury, hand-crafted brand as Aston Martin.

“Today is the start of a long-term relationship between Wales and Aston Martin. We will work together in building on the strong foundations of our partnership to nurture a prosperous and rewarding future for this iconic company and its skilled workforce in Wales.”

Debra Barber, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer at Cardiff Airport welcomed the Aston Martin announcement today: “It is fantastic news and we are delighted to welcome such a prestigious brand to the Cardiff Airport and St Athan Enterprise Zone. Not only is it testament to Wales and the Welsh workforce but also the increasing strength of the enterprise zone which continues to thrive.

“We are committed to developing a long term partnership with Aston Martin to ensure we can support their growth and in turn the ongoing growth of the enterprise zone for a successful and prosperous Wales.”

Minister for Economy Edwina Hart said: “Aston Martin’s decision to invest in its new manufacturing plant at St Athan marks a significant moment in the history of the automotive sector in Wales. We already have more than 150 companies involved in the automotive supply chain, employing around 18,000 people and generating over £3billion to the Welsh economy, but this will be the first time in almost 50 years that we will be see vehicles roll off a production line in Wales.

“We are committed to working in partnership with Aston Martin to ensure the site, right in the heart of our Cardiff Airport and St Athan Enterprise Zone, continues to match the company’s aspiration for any future growth and provides highly-skilled employment and world-class apprenticeship opportunities in the automotive sector in for many generations to come.”

Dr. Andrew Palmer, CEO of Aston Martin said: “During our 103-year history, Aston Martin has become famous for making beautiful hand-crafted cars in England. Through a detailed evaluation of over 20 potential global locations for this new manufacturing facility, we were consistently impressed with the focus on quality, cost and speed from the Welsh Government team. As a great British company, we look forward to St Athan joining Gaydon as our second center of hand-crafted manufacturing excellence,” continued Palmer.

Aston Martin CEO Dr Andrew Palmer made the announcement at an event at the Welsh Government headquarters at Cathays Park, Cardiff, today with First Minister Carwyn Jones and Minister for Economy Edwina Hart. They unveiled a prototype of the new DBX vehicle outside the landmark offices.