A recent external inspection of Cardiff Airports environmental credentials has revealed impressive results, showing that since 2015/16 Cardiff Airport has been able to reduce carbon emissions by 53% and in just one year alone, emissions have reduced by 26%.
These reductions are largely attributed to decreased electricity (-7% in one year) and natural gas consumption (-29% in one year) across the airport site. One significant initiative has been the introduction of LED lighting across the terminal and airfield. We have introduced electric vehicles to the operation, with a view to increasing the fleet further over the coming year.
Undertaken by Carbon Credentials, emissions were measured and reported in line with Cardiff Airport’s compliance with the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC). This achievement underpins significant steps the team at Cardiff Airport have taken recently to create a more environmentally responsible customer experience.
Our food and drink concessions have removed the use of plastic straws and three water fountains have been installed in the terminal so that customers can refill their reusable water containers before their flight and when they return.
The Airport recycles waste from all on site businesses in its own recycling hub and benefits from the onsite ‘Food Rocket’ for food waste which has celebrated 5 years of use at Wales national airport. The resulting compost is then used across the site.
Cardiff Airport also works closely with partners to influence and drive environmental responsibility wherever possible. Our air traffic control provider, NATS and airlines adopt procedures to ensure the most efficient descent paths are taken. Cardiff is ranked in the top 5 UK Airports for maximising these types of operation, with almost 90% of aircraft utilising these procedures; this aims to reduce both fuel and noise impacts which are further supported by airlines who take further steps to minimise emissions by using one engine on the taxiway.
Mark Bailey, Director of Airport Planning and Development said: “I am hugely inspired by the results in the report. We have been able to make significant reductions thanks to the team’s commitment across all departments. Environmental awareness is an essential part of our training programme, and we are passionate about playing our part in responding to climate change, and all this while passenger numbers continue to increase.”
Cardiff Airport is part of the Airport Operators Association (AOA) Climate Change Adaptation Working Group and has also volunteered to report to DEFRA on climate change. Cardiff is the only smaller, regional airport sitting alongside other larger UK Airports showing our commitment to positive change.