CAE awarded UKFMTS helicopter simulators contract by Lockheed Martin

Posted on 7 July, 2016 by Advance 

CAE has been awarded a contract by Lockheed Martin to provide Airbus Helicopters H135/H145 synthetic training equipment in support of the United Kingdom's Military Flying Training System (UKMFTS) programme.

The H145.
Copyright Airbus Helicopters

CAE will provide a total of seven flight training devices (FTDs) and one command and tactics trainer (CTT) for the Airbus Helicopters H135/H145 family, which were recently selected as the training helicopters for the rotary-wing element of the UKMFTS programme. All the training devices will be delivered in 2018 to Royal Air Force (RAF) Base Shawbury and used to support ab initio helicopter pilot training for the RAF, British Army and Royal Navy.

"We are pleased to once again be selected by Lockheed Martin to provide high-fidelity synthetic training equipment in support of the UK's Military Flying Training System programme," said Ian Bell, CAE's Vice President and General Manager, Europe/Middle East/Africa. "We will now be providing simulators and training devices for both the fixed-wing and rotary-wing elements of UKMFTS, in addition to already having providing the Hawk full-mission simulators and tactical mission trainers used for rear-crew and observer training. The UK Ministry of Defence's future aircrews will be receiving realistic and immersive virtual training in the highest-quality synthetic training equipment provided by CAE."

Ascent, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Babcock, is the Training Service Partner responsible for delivering the UKMFTS programme in partnership with the UK MOD. Recently, Ascent awarded a contract to Airbus Helicopters to supply a fleet of H135 and H145 helicopters to meet the rotary-wing training requirement. The two helicopter types incorporate the latest technology, allowing the crews to perform a wide range of training, from basic flying to offshore and night time operations. Lockheed Martin has specific responsibility for the provision of the ground-based training systems.

The FTDs developed by CAE will be equivalent to Level 4/5 flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) according to International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) standards. In addition, the Level 4/5 FTDs can be networked for teaching multi-ship tactical formations. The CAE-developed Combat & Tactics Trainer will be a suite of four Level 1/2 FTDs that can be networked for teaching and practicing formation flying. All the CAE-built training devices will include the CAE Medallion-6000 image generator and databases built to the Common Database (CDB) standard, which enables distributed, interoperable mission training.

This, together with other key contracts - from Lockheed Martin for CAE to continue managing the in-service support for the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) CC-130J aircraft maintenance technician training programme and L-3 MAS issuing CAE an order to continue providing in-service support for the RCAF's CF-18 fleet - are valued at more than C$100 million.

"Our expertise as a training systems integrator and experience on enduring military aircraft platforms is providing us numerous opportunities around the world as defence forces look to expand their use of simulation for integrated mission training," said Gene Colabatistto, CAE's Group President, Defence & Security. "We are particularly pleased to once again be selected to provide synthetic training equipment for the UK MFTS program as well as demonstrating the recurring business we have to support the RCAF with long-term services."