CAAi signs MAOS/DAOS extension with the MAA

Posted on 29 March, 2016 by Advance 

The Design Approved Organisation Scheme (DAOS) provides independent assessments of the competence of defence contractors and service organisations involved in the design of aircraft systems, associated equipment and airborne explosive ordnance and armament equipment.

The Maintenance Approved Organisation Scheme (MAOS) is a means by which the Ministry of Defence (MoD) can assess the competency of organisations wishing to provide continuing airworthiness support services for military registered aircraft.

Under the renewed contract, Airworthiness Experts from the CAA will conduct regular audits of MAOS/DAOS organisations against MAA Standards and Regulations. CAAi will prepare full audit reports for each organisation. The MAA will subsequently approve those organisations that comply with MAA standards.

Stephen Long, CAAi Business Manager said, “We are delighted that the MAA have extended the contract. CAAi has been conducting the audit programme of behalf of the MAA since January 2014. We look forward to working with the MAA and building on our continued partnership”.