CAA updates The Skyway Code

Posted on 1 September, 2017 by Advance 

Launched earlier this year online, The Skyway Code provides private pilots with easy, quick access to key information and the Civiil Aviation Authority (CAA) has now updated the guide.


CAA offices at Gatwick.
Copyright CAA

The must have guide for GA pilots has been updated and printed copies are now available to buy from aviation supplier AFE online.

Condensing the 'must know' information on UK GA flying into easy to navigate information and graphics The Skyway Code gives GA pilots a one stop shop for safety rules and advice.

The CAA's guide to private flying rules, regulations and best practice is available to download for free at
and to buy in printed copy direct from AFE online:

Bob Liddiard of the CAA's General Aviation Unit said: “We wanted the Skyway Code to be something that GA pilots, new or experienced, would find useful. Rather than include every bit of information available we've focussed on what a pilot most needs to know.”

Jeremy M Pratt, Managing Director of AFEonline, said: “We're delighted to be involved in helping The Skyway Code reach a wider audience. It really is an invaluable document for any pilot who wants to keep on top of the current GA rules and procedures, I keep a hard copy in my flight bag and I suspect many pilots of all levels of experience will want to own a copy too.”

AFE's Printed copies will be available to buy at The Light Aircraft Association (LAA) rally, Friday 1 to Sunday 3 September 2017.