CAA receives 2,000 applications for 8.33 radio funding

Posted on 19 April, 2017 by Advance 

Over 2,000 aircraft owners have applied for EU funds to install new 8.33 kHz radios, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has revealed.

CAA offices at Gatwick.
Copyright CAA

The applications made during this first phase will now be assessed and payments made to successful applicants during the summer.
In November 2016 the CAA signed a contract with the EU’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency to distribute €4.3m of EU funds to UK aircraft owners to assist the transition to 8.33 kHz radios.
The CAA said it has now opened a second applications phase lasting until 30 September 2017, for aircraft owners yet to submit a claim.  The same eligibility criteria will be used as previously and claims will be formally assessed after the closing date.
Claims must be supported by receipts to show that payment for equipment has been made. The CAA’s website contains full details of the EU funding, including the eligibility criteria document, CAP1501, and the claim form.
8.33 kHz radio funding application criteria