CAA makes EU funding available for UK GA

Posted on 21 July, 2016 by Advance 

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) confirmed yesterday that, subject to contract, EU funds will be made available to the CAA to help GA pilots and private aircraft owners move to 8.33 kHz radios.


CAA offices Gatwick.
Courtesy CAA

All aircraft registered in the EU that use radios need to be equipped with 8.33 kHz equipment by December 2017.

The CAA applied to the EU for €4.3m funding to encourage the timely transition of the UK GA fleet from existing 25 kHz radios to 8.33 kHz equipment.  That application was for the maximum permitted grant of 20 per cent of the estimated total cost of 8.33 kHz equipage.

The CAA will now be working closely with the UK GA member associations and representatives to distribute the funds to aircraft owners. More details on how that will work in practice will be released shortly.

Tony Rapson, Head of the GA Unit said: “We are delighted our application for radio funding was successful. This will go some way to easing the burden for aircraft owners converting to 8.33 kHz equipage in the UK and continues to demonstrate our commitment to get the best deal possible for the UK GA community.”