CAA launching new airspace change process

Posted on 14 December, 2017 by Advance 

In 2015 the CAA started reviewing its airspace change process and after nearly three years of detailed work and two public consultations, it is now launching its new process which will take effect from 2nd January 2018.

Airspace Design: guidance on the regulatory process for changing airspace design including community engagement requirements (CAP 1616)
is now available online, along with a technical annex setting out environmental requirements
and other supporting documentation.

The new process has been designed to be fair, transparent, comprehensible and proportionate and includes guidance on the information the aviation industry should publish to help communities understand noise changes.

Detailed information about the new process
and how it is aligned with the outcome of the Government's 2017 consultation on airspace and noise policy is available on the CAA website. The CAA will further develop these web pages in early 2018.

The CAA  are planning two open days for the first quarter of 2018, one in London and one in the North West of England, to help explain the new process to anyone who has any questions. More information about these events will be provided by the CAA in due course.