CAA launches new website and industry alerting system

Posted on 14 December, 2015 by Advance 

The website provides a range of enhanced, easily accessible information. It is automatically optimised for mobile devices and much of the existing content has been re-written and updated.
Other improvements include:
•    Significantly more information for pilots on how to gain, add to and maintain a licence
•    Multiple ways to access information based on a particular subject or your own aviation interest or role
•    Blogs to encourage discussion on key aviation topics
•    News and social media tailored to the web information being viewed
The website remains at
  and previous short URLs have been maintained. Bookmarks for specific pages will take users to the nearest new suitable page. Further development of the website and its functionality will continue throughout 2016.
The CAA has also launched a new stakeholder alerting system called Skywise. This is the CAA’s first app and offers targeted alerts on news and information from the organisation directly through the app, email or website.
Skywise will enable stakeholders to choose how they receive alerts and select the categories they are interested in. Each alert will be a short précis allowing stakeholders to access more detailed information, normally via the website, if required.
This development is designed to ensure that people only receive the information they have requested and that is most pertinent to their own interest within the industry.
By the spring of 2016 the CAA’s existing information and safety notice system will be phased out with Skywise replacing that service and the CAA is encouraging existing users to register with the new app to ensure they continue to receive information.

For more information on Skywise, to download the app or sign up for alerts via email go to