CAA increases operational scope of GA Permit aircraft

Posted on 12 June, 2018 by Advance 

UK National Permit to Fly General Aviation (GA) aircraft can now be used in certain circumstances for remunerated commercial training and self-fly hire, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced. The move follows extensive consultation with the GA community.


CAA offices at Gatwick.
Copyright CAA

Owners of ‘Permit’ aircraft have always been allowed to undertake training in their own aircraft, as this is defined as non-commercial. Today’s announcement now allows other pilots who do not own UK National Permit to Fly aircraft, to undertake post PPL flight instruction and self-fly hire using aircraft with a Permit to Fly.
Pilots who do not hold a licence cannot take advantage of the new rule to undertake ab-initio training in rented permit aircraft, unless it is ‘Type Approved’. But, if the pilot already holds a valid licence for the same aircraft category, then remunerated flight instruction and examination is now allowed. Ex-military aircraft that are operated under CAP 632 requirements are also not included under the new rules as they already operate under separate agreements.
The CAA made the announcement ahead of AeroExpo, the largest general aviation event of the year, taking place at Wycombe Air Park form 14-16 June.
Mark Shortman, Policy Manager for the CAA’s General Aviation Unit said: “This is another significant step forward in the delivery of the project portfolio within the GA Change Programme.”

The CAA will have a major presence at this year’s AeroExpo to explain its current activities and recent regulatory developments. Members of the CAA’s General Aviation Unit will be available over the course of the three-day event to answer queries from pilots, students and commercial organisations.

Full details of the new rule for the use of Permit to Fly aircraft for flight instruction and self-hire can be found