CAA further extends Airspace Change Masterplan consultation

Posted on 12 May, 2020 by Advance 

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has made the decision to further extend the deadline of its public engagement on the proposed criteria that it will use to determine whether to accept the Airspace Change Masterplan.

Courtesy CAA

This will allow stakeholders a greater opportunity to input into the engagement exercise despite the disruption caused by Coronavirus.

The public engagement exercise will now close on 26th June 2020

The purpose of the Masterplan is to set out where airspace change could be taken forward to provide benefits, to consider potential conflicts, trade-offs and dependencies, and set out a preferred implementation plan. The Masterplan will not include the detail of individual airspace designs or solutions. It will however, identify where any airspace changes would be needed to deliver a range of benefits, including to reduce noise, deliver air quality or fuel efficiency benefits or where more direct routes are possible that could reduce controlled airspace.

To see the CAA's public engagement exercise, visit
for more information and to respond online.