CAA encourages stronger links between drone flyers and GA

Posted on 28 August, 2018 by Advance 

Drone enthusiasts across the UK are being offered the opportunity to join the General Aviation (GA) community at the 2018 Light Aircraft Association Rally at Sywell Aerodrome, as part of the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) ‘Share the Air’ campaign, which aims to build stronger links between drone flyers and GA.


CAA offices, Gatwick.
Copyright CAA

The Civil Aviation Authority continues its national ‘Share the Air’ campaign, aiming to improve relations between drone users and other airspace users. Activity will take place at the 2018 Light Aircraft Association (LAA) Rally from the 31st August to the 2nd September at Sywell Aerodrome, Wellingborough.

Attendees will be given the chance to see for themselves the range of flying opportunities that exist in their local area, as well as receive top tips on how they can use their drones responsibly, enabling them to expand their love of flying.

Expert advice

As well as the opportunity to view over 1,000 aircraft and enjoy industry exhibitions from a variety of aviation experts, attendees to the CAA’s Drone Safety Zone can:

Check out the latest drone models with global drone manufacturer Parrot

Enjoy a hands-on experience of piloting a drone with YouTube influencers On the Kitchen Table

The CAA will also be available to provide the latest information on the UK and European regulations covering drones.

Commenting on the event, Jonathan Nicholson, Assistant Director at the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said: “Recreational drone use is flying high and as more and more drone enthusiasts take to the skies it is vital that they understand the responsibility they have in ensuring the safety of everyone using UK airspace.

“As such, it is vital both drone users and the GA communities are equipped to share the air in a safe and enjoyable way.

“By attending this year’s rally, drone enthusiasts again have an invaluable opportunity to get to grips with the world of flying, understand the environment they operate in and maybe even be inspired to one day get in a cockpit themselves!”

Asif Gillani, Regional Director, for Parrot Drones commented: “As the leading European drone brand, operating in several categories within the industry, we are committed to being ambassadors of drone legislation working with Government departments to ensure the safe development of this market. Drones have many useful and commercially beneficial applications as well as lifesaving capabilities in the hands of the emergency services. We’d urge anybody with an interest in drones to visit Parrot in conjunction with the CAA to learn more about the ‘Share the Air’ campaign and what we are doing within your community to educate users on drone safety.”