CAA and Amazon invite schoolchildren to 'Design a Drone'

Posted on 15 May, 2017 by Advance 

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Amazon have launched a competition inviting primary school-age children across the UK to play their part in the future of science and technology by designing a drone.

The competition will help raise awareness of the CAA's Drone Code, a simple set of rules and guidelines which outline how to fly drones safely and within the law in the UK.

All primary schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are eligible to enter the competition. Students will be asked to design their interpretation of a delivery drone to serve a humanitarian purpose or improve society, such as first-response medical aid, sending flowers to a loved one who is unwell, or delivering toys to children in need.

The 'Design a Drone' competition is open to students in Years Two to Five.

The national winner will have the opportunity to tour Amazon Prime Air's Development Centre in Cambridge, UK where their design will be exhibited for a year. Winners will also be awarded Amazon Fire tablets, gift baskets and cash prizes for teaching resources for their class.

Teachers can register their interest and download competition materials at

The competition runs until 2nd June 2017 and winners will be announced at the end of June. Judges will be comprised of representatives from Amazon Prime Air, the Civil Aviation Authority and leaders in drone innovation across various industries.

Lauren Kisser, Operations Director at Amazon Prime Air, commented: “Amazon is thrilled to partner with the UK CAA on the 'Design a Drone' competition. We share a belief that the safe use of drones can make a positive contribution to society.  With this competition, we aim to help students, teachers and parents from across the UK think about how drone technology can benefit communities and learn how to fly their own drones safely. I can't wait to see what they create."

Jonathan Nicholson, Assistant Director of Communications at the CAA, said: “While we absolutely want everyone to have fun with their drones, safety must always be the top priority. This partnership with Amazon is part of a wider initiative looking at establishing a safe and responsible attitude toward drone flying.  By educating school children now about the basic safe flying rules we can help to protect both the safety of the public and aviation industry and the opportunities for drones in the future.”

The full Dronecode can be seen at

Amazon has a Development Centre in Cambridge working on a range of projects including Prime Air, the company's delivery system designed to safely get packages to customers in 30 minutes or less using drones.