C3IA Solutions in major recruitment coup

Posted on 30 July, 2018 by Advance 

One of the country’s cyber security companies based in Dorset has appointed a former army major to its ranks.
C3IA Security Director Matt Horan, left, and new appointment Gethin Thomas

Gethin Thomas has joined C3IA Solutions after more than 30 years’ service with the Royal Corps of Signals.

The cyber-security expert is a Principal Consultant and will work across the company’s public and private sector clients.

Gethin joined the army at 16 and rose through the ranks and after a late entry commission spent his last 11 years as an officer.

With the introduction of Cyber Essentials and GDPR and the increasing understanding that cyber security is essential for business, Gethin’s skills are in high demand.

Matt Horan, security director of the company based in Poole, said: “Myself and fellow founder Keith Parsons were both in the Royal Signals so we know what Gethin brings.

“C3IA is also a member of the Armed Forces Covenant, which means we actively support ex-forces personnel.

“Gethin adds great knowledge and experience to C3IA’s threat and risk management capability.”

Gethin, who has done tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, said: “After 33 years in the army the time was right to make the step across.

“My wife and I have moved 17 times in 26 years of marriage and so it will be nice to stay in one place.

“I was fortunate in securing this role and I’m very much looking forward to working for clients in the commercial sector, which will be a change.

“My skills are completely transferable and the same principles exist in any sector.

“In the army I majored in information assurance, which is not just the technical side of things but encompasses everything about keeping information safe.

“And information can mean anything; whatever is valuable to clients - from records and data to software that needs protecting.

“I already know many of the staff here and am really looking forward to my new career.