C3IA appoints Rebecca Rogers as Cyber Essentials and Security Management Plan delivery manager

Posted on 10 April, 2018 by Advance 

Poole based cyber-security company C3IA Solutions, has appointed Rebecca Rogers as its new ‘Cyber Essentials and Security Management Plan delivery manager’. C3IA Solutions works in the public and private sectors across the country and abroad.

Rebecca (right) is currently completing a master’s degree with a dissertation about the impact on SMEs of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Previously she worked as a tax consultant, but having had children she decided to move into cyber-security as it is a fast-growing sector.

With the deadline for GDPR quickly approaching and SMEs clambering to become Cyber Essentials-certified, Rebecca could not have been busier.

She said: “When I decided to change career I looked into cyber-security because it is an up-and-coming industry.

“As a tax consultant I spent a lot of time interpreting law and I saw that this is very much a part of cyber-security today.

“I started a master’s degree at Bournemouth University looking at the impact of GDPR and joining C3IA Solutions has given me the opportunity work with its implementation first-hand.

“I am interested in information assurance and am learning quickly from the highly experienced staff here.

“There are not many women in this industry but it is becoming more accessible and girls at school should not dismiss it as a possible career.”

Matt Horan C3IA Solutions’ security director said: “Rebecca really impressed us with her skills and knowledge and with our continued growth we needed someone to help deliver our capabilities.

“Obviously she is up-to-date on the GDPR implementation which many companies are leaving to the last minute.

“We are also delivering Cyber Essentials to more SMEs and this side of the business is growing quickly.

“Recruiting for our sector is not easy and we really want more women to go into the industry.

“We were one of the very first companies to be certified by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and are pleased to see more companies taking their cyber-security seriously. However, there are many that still don’t.”