BTP rolls out 2,400 Axon body cameras

Posted on 7 September, 2017 by Advance 

Following a successful country-wide twelve month trial, 2,840 Axon body cameras are now being rolled out by the British Transport Police (BTP) across England, Scotland and Wales.
All frontline officers at British Transport Police will soon be equipped with body worn cameras, with all PCSOs and officers up to the rank of inspector to be supplied a camera once they have completed a training course.

The force-wide deployment for BTP, the national police force for railways, includes Axon Body 2 cameras and a five-year license on, the digital evidence management system.

By utilising and the cloud, BTP is able to deploy cameras nationwide while managing the data from one central location. With a number of large forces working in key areas alongside BTP, enables them to share footage directly with each other when crossing into another force's region.

In addition to sharing with other police forces, BTP will soon be able to digitally share with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), avoiding the manual and costly use of DVDs. This capability is already live with the Metropolitan Police who are sharing approximately 3,000 pieces of body-worn video evidence with the CPS every month.

BTP Assistant Chief Constable Paul Brogden said: “A trial of body worn videos over the last year showed that they helped bring about speedier justice for victims.

“Not only do they provide vital evidence in cases, but they also can protect officers against malicious complaints and reassure the public as they travel through stations and on trains.”

The cameras will be attached to the officer’s uniform and will not be permanently recording.

Members of the public will be told when they are being recorded and the camera is highly visible.

Any recorded footage is automatically uploaded to secure servers and flagged for use as evidence at court or other proceedings.

Video footage not retained as evidence or for a policing purpose is automatically deleted within 31 days.

ACC Brogden said: “These cameras will help our officers in the many challenging situations they face every single day.

“The presence of a body worn camera can help diffuse situations without the need for force, and can help speed up the justice system.

“This is BTP using cutting edge technology to make sure we’re protecting the public in the best possible way.”

The cameras are being rolled out now and every officer is expected to be equipped with body worn video by the end of March next year.

Axon UK's Country Manager, Jeremy Habberley said: "We're honoured to be working with British Transport Police on their rollout of body cameras and digital evidence management.

"We believe that body cameras are an intelligent option for bolstering railway safety and increasing conviction rates for transit offenders."