Captain Tom Quant from the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment will be providing insights into the latest RTR Developments for Urban Conflict - CR2 Streetfighter, at the Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems 2020 (FAVWS2020) conference convening in London on the 3rd and 4th June 2020.
SMi Group
The 4th annual Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems 2020 will give delegates the opportunity to hear updates on the latest weapon systems and munitions developments.
This year’s conference will host experts from the most forward-thinking nations who will provide detailed analysis and an overview of cutting-edge weapon and large calibre ammunition systems, and how they are revolutionising mounted close combat lethality.
There has been a number of significant developments over the past 12 months with the British Army’s MBT Challenger 2, including new turret improvements and the introduction of an innovative situational awareness system called IronVision.
Both initiatives have been part of the Streetfighter Project to enhance the tank for urban operations. Within the project there have been 3 areas of modification including infantry-tank co-operation, situational awareness and lethality. *
At this year's conference, Captain Tom Quant, Regimental Intelligence Officer and Project Streetfighter Lead, Royal Tank Regiment, British Army, will be sharing the latest updates in his session ‘RTR Developments for Urban Conflict - CR2 Streetfighter’ where he will discuss in detail:
• Enhancing all round lethality for the CR 2 MBT
• Utilising remote weapon systems in order to engage small to medium size targets
• Selecting the right upgrades for fighting in built up, contested urban environments