Bristow commences flights for Petrofac in Central North Sea

Posted on 5 April, 2016 by Advance 

The contract, which sees Bristow flying Petrofac passengers to the CNS for the first time, commenced in March and will continue for three years, with two additional one year options.

Alan Corbett, Managing Director of Bristow Helicopters Limited, said: “The commencement of these flights for Petrofac is a milestone in our relationship as it is the first time, after many years of ad-hoc work, that Bristow has been contracted to operate directly for Petrofac. We look forward to growing this collaborative partnership.

“Using a mixed fleet of Sikorsky S-92s and EC225s, we will operate a new operations model with Petrofac as they seek to flight-share with other operators. We will begin operations with flights direct to a platform in the Central North Sea adding additional scope with crew change activity to other CNS locations later in the contract.”

Established in the UK by London-born Alan Bristow in 1955, Bristow Helicopters offers offshore transportation, fixed wing services, Search and Rescue (SAR) services, and most recently, UAS operated offshore installation inspection services.

Bristow Helicopters Limited (BHL) has served the offshore oil transport industry in the UK for over 50 years. Bristow Helicopters is the provider of Search and Rescue (SAR) services in the UK, having been awarded the Gap SAR contract for Northern Scotland and the UK SAR contract. Since 1971, Bristow has flown more than 56,000 SAR operational hours and conducted over 17,500 SAR missions, during which more than 8,400 people have been rescued by its crews and helicopters worldwide.