Bombardier reveals CIB Leasing as 10 CRJ900s customer

Posted on 3 November, 2016 by Advance 

Bombardier Commercial Aircraft announced this week that Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (also known as CIB Leasing) headquartered in Beijing, China is the previously announced unidentified customer that had placed a firm order for 10 CRJ900 aircraft.

This purchase agreement was initially announced on 20 June 2016. Both parties will work closely together to explore market opportunities for regional fleet growth and network expansion.

As previously announced by Bombardier, based on the list price, the firm order for 10 CRJ900 aircraft is valued at approximately $472 million US.

Bombardier has booked a total of 1,902 firm orders for CRJ Series aircraft, including 428 CRJ900 aircraft.