BMT secures Customer Friend role with DSA

Posted on 11 July, 2017 by Advance 

BMT Asset Performance (BMT), supported by sister company BMT Defence Services, subsidiaries of BMT Group Ltd, will act as 'Customer Friend' to the Defence Safety Authority (DSA) on a three-year contract.

BMT will provide technical support for the DSA’s Defence Maritime Regulator which is responsible for developing the regulatory framework to demonstrate that MoD shipping, diving and port operations are meeting the overarching safety and environmental regulations and legislation and in turn, protecting people and the environment.

DMR currently provides three tools to deliver regulatory assurance, guidance, and support: an online library of DMR documentation; a Maritime Legislation Database (MLD) and an eRegister of all MoD shipping, ports and diving activity. BMT will be supporting DMR in maintaining the currency and accuracy of these management tools and documentation, delivering the required outputs in safety and environmental regulation assurance and if necessary, enforcement on behalf of the Secretary of State.

BMT is also providing the on-going hosting, user support and further development of the MLD and eRegister systems. Through the provision of the eRegister system, BMT is supporting DMR’s goal for a common risk-based approach to regulation – bringing together information from multiple maritime defence software tools and databases into a single web portal, whilst enabling analysis of maritime data including safety incidents, risk control system performance and safety certification compliance.

Barry Flower, Marketing and Sales Director at BMT Asset Performance commented: “This is a fantastic opportunity to work collaboratively with a key defence partner. In a world where there are increasingly stringent standards and the need for greater transparency, we help organisations such as the DSA to assure themselves that compliance is being achieved, to help reduce risk associated with legislative constraints. The DSA can have complete confidence that the tools are equipped to deliver the most accurate and current information, providing project teams with a central source and a holistic overview of safety and environmental compliance performance.”