Blighter makes key appointments to target oil & gas industry

Posted on 23 August, 2016 by Advance 

British electronic-scanning (e-scan) radar and sensor solution provider, Blighter Surveillance Systems Ltd, is targeting the oil, gas and petrochemical markets with its Blighter B400 Series e-scan Doppler radar and long range thermal camera surveillance solution.


Roy Cummings (Sales Manager), formerly at AMG Systems, joins Blighter to spearhead renewed focus on oil, gas and petrochemical markets.

British electronic-scanning (e-scan) radar and sensor solution provider, Blighter Surveillance Systems Ltd, is targeting the oil, gas and petrochemical markets with its Blighter B400 Series e-scan Doppler radar and long range thermal camera surveillance solution.

To support this move, Blighter has made some key strategic appointments. Roy Cummings, formerly at AMG Systems, joins the Blighter sales team with responsibility for critical infrastructure protection. He brings 30-years of experience in the security systems and CCTV market, most recently working with integration and consulting companies in the Gulf, notably Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Blighter has also appointed a Middle Eastern partner/distributor, Electroman, to focus on critical infrastructure sales in Oman. Electroman has offices at Muscat and Salalah. These strategic appointments will help the company service this important market more effectively.

Mark Radford, CEO, Blighter Surveillance Systems, said: “We are seeing growing interest in our high reliability Doppler radar and thermal imaging systems for protecting oil & gas facilities due to their effectiveness and their cost saving potential. For example, manning levels have been reduced substantially where our radar/camera systems are employed instead of fence-line/CCTV solutions.

“Furthermore, the ongoing threat of terrorism at oil and gas wells, pipelines and pumping stations, processing facilities and storage/distribution hubs, is also prompting security managers at critical infrastructure sites to consider our high reliability solution.”

According to Radford, the establishment of new mandatory in-country security levels by several oil and gas producing nations is another factor which is driving companies to assess the effectiveness of 24/7 all-weather radar/camera systems. In fact, the Blighter solution is already installed at a number of critical infrastructure sites in the Middle East, including one to protect a large gas refinery.

Blighter B400 Series Radar with Liteye Aquila Camera“The Blighter system is appealing to oil and gas facilities as it’s quick and comparatively inexpensive to deploy, and re-deploy, as the radar and thermal cameras are mounted on existing infrastructure thereby minimising installation costs and maximising flexibility,” added Mark Radford. “We even have the capability to look upwards and detect the growing threat of airborne incursions from unmanned aerial vehicles or drones.”

The Blighter B400 series Doppler radar delivers a 24/7 all-weather persistent surveillance capability. It can detect a walking person at 11km (6.8 miles) or a large moving vehicle at 25km (15.5 miles) and then cue a camera system to follow and identify targets.

Blighter Surveillance Systems delivers an integrated multi-sensor package to systems integrators comprising the Blighter radars plus cameras, thermal imagers, trackers and software solutions. Its ITAR-free systems are used worldwide in commercial, government and defence markets in area and asset protection for national border security, homeland security, critical infrastructure protection such as oil and gas facilities, coastal surveillance, and in military applications.