Belfast Airport welcomes APD review

Posted on 27 June, 2017 by Advance 

Belfast International Airport has said the decision between the Conservative Party and the DUP to review Air Passenger Duty (APD) is a 'step in the right direction'.

The airport’s Managing Director, Graham Keddie, said: “APD is clearly on the agenda and I have no doubt that its removal would have a most positive benefit for the Northern Ireland economy.

“We’re delighted it formed part of the discussions. In coming months, we will be vigorous and tireless in our efforts to get the right decision not only for the airport, but for the regional economy.

“We’re heartened to see a commitment to review this objectionable tax. It is a step in the right direction.

“There is little doubt but that APD is handing a significant and unnecessary advantage to the Republic of Ireland and the sooner that situation is corrected, the better.

“We will work with both the DUP and the Conservatives to ensure that all sides fully realise what we could achieve if we tackle APD head on.”