BEIS outlines UK’s future participation in H2020

Posted on 7 March, 2018 by Advance 

A new statement on the UK’s involvement in Horizon 2020 has just been published by BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) which outlines the ongoing participation in the programme.
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It follows the publication of a Joint Report on progress during the first phase of negotiations by the UK Government and the European Commission on 8 December and states:

“Following withdrawal from the Union the UK will continue to participate in the Union programmes financed by the MFF 2014-2020 until their closure (excluding participation in financial operations which give rise to a contingent liability for which the UK is not liable as from the date of withdrawal). Entities located in the UK will be entitled to participate in such programmes.

"Participation in Union programmes will require the UK and UK beneficiaries to respect all relevant Union legal provisions including co-financing. Accordingly, the eligibility to apply to participate in Union programmes and Union funding for UK participants and projects will be unaffected by the UK’s withdrawal from the Union for the entire lifetime of such projects.”

This means that the UK and the EU fully intend UK entities’ eligibility in Horizon 2020 to remain unchanged for the duration of the programme. This includes eligibility to participate in all Horizon 2020 projects and to receive Horizon 2020 funding for the lifetime of projects.