BAE Systems unveils asset management solutions for airlines

Posted on 19 October, 2016 by Advance 

BAE Systems has unveiled asset management offerings such as pooling, exchanges and loans of our products for air transport, especially focused on the 737 MAX aircraft.

BAE Systems employee working on spares parts.

These new programmes will transform our aftermarket services into a more tailored experience for our customers, guaranteeing availability of spares and adding additional options for management of assets.

The task of managing spares, repairs and overhauls of critical onboard systems for its fleet is one of an airline’s biggest challenges. Aircraft availability is a top priority for airlines around the world, and being able to efficiently and quickly manage the operational requirements of fleets is a significant advantage.

Pooling is a construct in which airlines pay to have access to an allotment of spare parts that they can include in their supply chain – so BAE Systems simply backfill when the airline pulls a part for use on an aircraft. BAE Systems offer pools for one airline or for a regional group of airlines, depending on the circumstances of that customer. This pool of units eliminates the need for the airline to keep an inventory of spare parts in its own facility.

BAE Systems exchanges allow airlines to send their parts to us and we immediately send back a new or overhauled part within a set turnaround time. No long term agreement is required for an airline to request an exchange from BAE Systems and the offering is available today in Singapore, France, Dubai, Shanghai and Fort Wayne, Ind.

A loan programme can provide a short term solution if an airline will only require a part for a set amount of time. For critical fleet situations, this arrangement can assist small, start-up airlines with the spares they need to keep their fleets flying.